
Our Top Teething Tips!

Hell hath no fury like a teething little one, so the team at PregnancyandBaby are here to help! Here are our top tips for teething to ensure your baby is as comfortable as possible...

Offer a cold teething ring or a clean, wet washcloth for your baby to chew on.

This can help soothe their gums and provide some relief from the discomfort of teething. Try the Haakaa Silicone Teething Ring, which features an easy-to-hold shape and a soft silicone material that helps your baby develop while providing relief. It can also be popped in the freezer for an extra soothing, cooling experience. It's also BPA free, FDA approved and made from pliable, food grade silicone.

Gently massage your baby's gums with a clean finger or a soft cloth.

This can also help soothe their gums and reduce discomfort.

Give your baby something to chew on during feeding times. 

Breast milk or formula can help provide some relief to sore gums, and solid foods can also be a good option if your baby is ready for them.

Offer a cold drink or a cold food, such as a smoothie or a pureed fruit or vegetable. 

Cold foods can help numb the gums and provide some relief from the discomfort of teething.

Use over-the-counter pain relief medications according to the instructions on the package or as directed by your healthcare provider. 

Always follow the recommended dosage for your baby's age and weight.

Consider using natural remedies, such as teething gels or homeopathic remedies, if you prefer to avoid over-the-counter medications.

You may like to try the Nelsons Teetha Teething Gel - 15g or Nelsons Teetha Natural Teething Granules 24 Sachets, designed to soothe, calm and provide relief from teething symptoms. Always follow the instructions on the package or consult with your healthcare provider before using any natural remedies.

Remember to always use caution when giving your baby something to chew on and to avoid any items that could pose a choking hazard. If you have any concerns or your baby's teething symptoms are severe, consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

6th Jan 2023


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